Round Evesham Walk

Arising from an aspiration in the Evesham Town Plan to improve access to the River Avon and make more of its attractions, as well as highlighting the town’s glorious heritage, Evesham Rambling Club decided to mark 70 years since its founding in 1947 by devising and executing a Round Evesham Walk. Much-appreciated advice and extensive practical help was received from the Worcestershire County Council Rights of Way Team. Financial assistance was obtained through the New Homes Bonus scheme administered by Wychavon District and Evesham Town Councils. The club is also very grateful to several local landowners who have generously allowed permissive public access over parts of their land to complete the circuit.
The Walk
The core circular walk of about 5 miles starts at The Almonry and is way-marked with the distinctive ‘Round Evesham Walk’ discs. The link paths shown are additional and are also way-marked. The route can be shortened according to personal preference by joining or leaving at a number of convenient access points, or you can make use of an appropriate link path to return to the town centre. Alternatively, if you want to extend your walk by 1.5 miles, you can take the extension path from the Battlefield Trail leading to items 10, 11 and 12. The whole walk can be undertaken at any time of the year but must not be attempted if the River Avon is in flood. Look out for interesting wildlife on and around the river that inspired this walk. Notice also the orchards, now less extensive but for long a vital part of the Vale of Evesham’s story. Above all, enjoy the walk but please respect all the land you cross, much of which is in private ownership. Please…..take your litter home and leave only footprints. Keep dogs on leads and under close control at all times, especially near livestock. Take extra care crossing main roads.

For further information about the Round Evesham Walk please visit the Evesham Rambling Club Website: